Inktober 2019 Book – #inktoberredlist

Back in October 2019, I decided I’d like to take part in the drawing challenge ‘Inktober‘ A yearly challenge encouraging participants to create 31 ink drawings in the 31 days of October. I’ve started it a few times before, but lost momentum, or ran out of inspiration.   So this year I decided to pick … More Inktober 2019 Book – #inktoberredlist

12 Dales In 12 Months

For the past few years we’ve made it a priority to get outside into the countryside once per month. We’ve used it as a way to push ourselves, we’ve climbed mountains, one of the scariest and most fulfilling being Blencathra in the Lake District. We’ve tried new things, we’ve camped in Winter. Waking up to … More 12 Dales In 12 Months


It’s #nationalwildlifedaytoday. Designed to improve awareness of the world’s diverse species and the troubles they now face.   I’m championing the European Hedgehog, here in the UK it’s on our Biodiversity Action Plan, a list of species that are in decline in the UK. Hedgehogs need our help! . The People’s Trust for Endangered Species … More #nationalwildlifeday

Pocket Hitchhikers

How many times have you come back from a walk and found your pockets full of little treasures of nature?

It seems that some of us can’t help but pick up stones from the beach or conkers from the woodland, small tactile pieces of nature that make us feel good. … More Pocket Hitchhikers

The Story Of Summer In Yorkshire

The only way we can inspire and encourage people to care is by rebuilding those connections that have been lost.  Naming trees, plants, animals and birds gives them power and presence. Rebuilding our connection to the seasons, which sadly have become marked by consuming goods rather than noticing the intricate changes that affect our surroundings.  Keeping a nature journal is a simple way to start building those connections again, you could start with your own garden or local park, you’ll be amazed what you notice when you stop and look. … More The Story Of Summer In Yorkshire